​Ballymoney National School


Parent Teacher Association
The Parent Teacher Association meets at least once a term. All parents are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Association. We encourage at least one parent from each family to attend meetings. A chairperson and secretary are elected every year to serve a maximum of two years. The aims of our Parent Teacher Association are:
To enable parents to play a meaningful role in supporting the aims & objectives of the school.
To ensure parents are meaningfully consulted in the development of relevant school policies.
To ensure that parents, Board of Management, Principal and staff work together to ensure the smooth operation of the school by adhering to agreed polices and procedures.
To enable parents to contribute to an enhanced learning environment for pupils.
To ensure that the work of the whole school community is at all time focused on the collective needs of all the children in the school.
To identify and make available the skills and talents of individual parents that may be valuable to the school.
To assist the school financially by organising school fundraisers.
To provide opportunities for parents to meet each other and to share experiences about bringing up children and helping them to learn.
Please click on the link below to read our PTA Constitution.